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Phone Support

Phone Policy

IT Support Team 

The IT Support is here to support you with any technical query you may have about your account or our services. Our team operates entirely from our online Helpdesk via email, for which you can message at any time at or the unique help email address for your institution. 

With that in mind, we would like to clarify that this team does not provide over the phone support due to the long resolution times needed for such queries. Our remote-only support means that the cost to your accounts are kept as low whilst still providing quick and reliable support. 

We understand that in some instances, email-only support cannot be conducted in order to correct the error. For these exceptions, we offer a premium option which is chargeable on a time block basis.


Gold and Silver customers, as a part of their subscription, are allowed two 15-minute free sessions within one term. Free and Pro accounts are required to pay the below standard fee. 

  • Free - £30 for a 15 minutes time slot
  • Pro - £30 for a 15 minutes time slot
  • Silver - Two free sessions a year
  • Gold - Two free sessions a year
Payment Methods

All Phone Support sessions will need to be paid for via a Bank Transfer.

Remote software

When you require a phone support appointment, we will ask you to install remote access software so that we can view and/or take control of your device.

Teamviewer is the best software available for remote access and we use this for all over-the-phone troubleshooting. 

Before your appointment, you will need to have this installed. All you need to do is click and download:


All Phone Support sessions will have to be booked in advance and are up to one hour in length (four - fifteen minute slots). 

When a support ticket is escalated into a phone appointment, you will be requested to prepare for the phone call with all the necessary information that is needed for troubleshooting, as well as having the remote software pre-installed. 

The support team will then confirm a date with and request your phone number. Appointments can be canceled and rescheduled without notice if the user wishes. There is no penalty for this.

Our support team will work with you to troubleshoot and correct the issue using the Teamviewer software, which will allow us to view your screen as well as make changes directly to your account. 

When the call has been completed, a follow-up email will be send by our support team to confirm:

  • The time, date and duration of the call
  • Clarification as to whether this is the 1st or 2nd appointment of this subscription term
  • A description of the issue
  • A summary of the resolution completed on the call

Service News

Updated 169 days ago

Server Maintenance - Monday 13th November

13:22 on 13th Nov

We will be performing some server maintenance between 21:00 and 23:00(GMT) tonight. 
Services will remain available while the maintenance work is carried out, with a low risk of some minor disruption.

Old Webmail Removal

11:50 on 09th Nov

Dear Email User, 
You may be aware that your Email for Life service currently has two different webmail interfaces, simply known as 'old webmail' and 'new webmail'.
Introduced in 2018, the newer webmail platform features better support for mobile devices and modern browser features. We pledged at the time to run the two services alongside one another for as long as possible to give existing members plenty of time to make the transition.
Five years later and we are now ready to permanently close Old Webmail, planned for 5th February 2024.
This does not affect your email account itself, only the webmail interface you use to access your account within your browser. Your emails, folders and any filters you have set up remain exactly as they are. Similarly, if you use a POP or IMAP email client to access your email, there are also no changes required.
If you haven't already made the switch to new webmail platform, please log in to the service before 5th February 2024 and your address book will be migrated over automatically.
How to access New Webmail
1. Log into your account
2. Go to the My Account page
3. Within the Email Accounts tab, you will be options for Old Webmail (which is being removed) and Webmail. Click on the Webmail button 
4. Next time you login you will be directed to your New Webmail inbox
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at